VIBRAM®: This popular brand is a guarantee of firm footing in pleasant and challenging conditions
Do you wear "vibrams" for hiking? The term has been part of outdoor folklore for decades, and has become synonymous with quality footwear.

Nápadu predchádzala nešťastná tragédia v Alpách, ktorá dala vzniknúť ikonickému riešeniu podošvy s názvom Carrarmato z vulkanizovanej gumy. VIBRAM® sa stala absolútnou ikonou obuvníckeho premyslu a, doslova, svojimi výskumom a inováciami tvorila a dodnes významne vplýva na celosvetový obchod s obuvou.
Našu novú kolekciu outdoorovej obuvy sme postavili na oceňovaných podrážkach VIBRAM® Megagrip, ktoré ponúkajú stabilitu na rôznych povrchoch a v rôznych podmienkach, skvelú trakciu a disponujé vynikajúcou životnosťou. Či v suchých, či v mokrých podmienkach - za každých okolností demonštrujú perfektnú priľnavosť podporenú vysokou odolnoťou proti oderu.
Účinná gumová zmes je vhodná do extrémnych podmienok ako blato, canyoneering, jazda na horských bicykloch alebo skateboarding, ale aj na treking či na celoročnú turistiku a cestovanie.
Lessons learned from Alpine tragedy led to ascending the eight thousands
Learning from the tragedy, Vitale began developing a sole that replaced heavy iron nails with durable rubber studs. In 1937, the iconic Vibram Carrarmato sole was created, in which 17 years later Italian mountaineers climbed the feared Himalayan mountain: K2. They thus started a new era, when a different specialised type of footwear began to be used for each of the four stages of the ascent.
Perfect grip in both dry and wet conditions
Vibram soles are still reliable equipment for recreational hikers and seasoned climbers from rocky alpine hills to icy Himalayas. Northfinder shoes use the VIBRAM® Megagrip sole, which is based on a proven tradition of high-quality rubber compound. The award-winning sole offers perfect grip in both dry and wet conditions, and sufficient stability in light climbing sections.
Northfinder shoes with VIBRAM® Megagrip sole

They’ll be up to the task in demanding conditions, and will make year-round hiking more pleasant
Functional outdoor shoes with VIBRAM® Megagrip soles are suitable for various activities, and can handle more demanding conditions. Use in mud, on grass, in the forest, when descending, canyoneering, on mountain bikes, skateboards, and for trekking, year-round hiking, and travel.