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I. Introductory Provisions and Definitions
1.1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter also “GTC”) regulate the legal relations between NORTHFINDER, a. s., with its registered office at Rastislavova 109, 951 41 Lužianky, Slovak Republic, Company ID Number: 35 933 011 (hereinafter also “Seller”) and any person who is a buyer of goods (items) offered by the Seller in the Seller’s online store, and who acts as a consumer in conformity with other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the relevant laws defining a consumer in line with the valid legislation of the Slovak Republic, in particular Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services on the Basis of a Contract Concluded at a Distance or a Contract Concluded Outside the Premises of the Seller, and Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection, as amended.
1.2 Detailed contact and identification data of the Seller are available in the section IMPORTANT INFORMATION – CONTACT DETAILS.
1.3. These General Terms and Conditions regulate the legal relations between Buyers, who are consumers, and the Seller.
1.4. A Buyer is any person (natural person or legal entity) who has filled in and sent an order via the Seller’s website, received an email notification confirming receipt of the order and has paid the purchase price.
1.5. A Consumer is a Buyer who is a natural person and who, upon concluding a purchase contract through the Seller's Internet shop, is not acting within the scope of a business.
1.6. For contractual relations (as well as other legal relations that may result from the contractual relationship) with Buyers who are acting as legal entities or with natural persons – entrepreneurs who are acting within their business activities (Buyers who are not acting as consumers) the provisions of Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, as amended, shall apply.
1.7. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, a distance contract means an agreement between the Seller and a Consumer agreed and concluded exclusively through one or several means of distance communication without the simultaneous physical presence of the Seller and the Consumer using the website and e-mail.
1.8. Products are goods which are intended for sale and at the same time which are published in the online store of the Seller (hereinafter also “goods” or an “item”).
1.9. The Seller is the supplier of the goods and services offered in the online store.
1.10. The Seller is at the same time the operator of an electronic system through which it operates an online store on a domain with the name (hereinafter also “online store”).
1.11. The competent authority for overseeing legality in the field of consumer protection is:
The Slovak Trade Inspection Authority based in Nitra for the Nitra Region;
Staničná 1567/9, P.O. BOX 49A, 949 01 Nitra; Slovak Republic;
Contact: tel no.: +421 37/7720216; fax: +421 37/772 00 24
E-mail: ;
web link for submitting a suggestions:
1.12. In the case of any complaints or suggestions, a Consumer may also address them directly to the Seller, and it is recommended to Consumers to address complaints and suggestions to the Seller at the email address published directly on the Web site, in the section IMPORTANT INFORMATION.
Any complaint will be assessed and handled within 10 working days in line with the legal order of the Slovak Republic. The Seller shall inform the Consumer about its handling of the complaint in the same form as the Consumer delivered the complaint or suggestion to the Seller.
II. Product order – concluding a purchase contract
2.1. A proposal for concluding a purchase contract by a Buyer is an order for products, which the Buyer implements through an electronic order form (electronic shopping cart) within the Seller’s online store.
2.2. A change in an order can only be made by mutual agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.
2.3. A purchase contract is concluded by delivery of an email confirmation of receipt of the order to the Buyer.
2.4. A purchase contract is concluded for a definite period of time and expires upon fulfilment of the obligations of the Seller and the Buyer.
2.5. A purchase contract may also be terminated upon withdrawal from the purchase contract by the Consumer.
III. Purchase price and payment terms
3.1. The price of goods offered through the online store (hereinafter referred to as the “purchase price”) is listed separately for each product, always inclusive of VAT, and is valid at the time the order was created by the Buyer.
3.2. The price for delivery or the price related to the method of payment are not included in the purchase price of products.
3.2. The Buyer undertakes to pay the fees for the selected method of shipping and method of payment, together with the purchase price of the goods in accordance with the current price list displayed in the electronic shopping cart and listed in the section IMPORTANT INFORMATION.
3.4. By sending an order, the Buyer is accepting the stated prices and undertakes to pay.
3.5. The Seller is authorised to withdraw from the purchase contract if the Buyer is in arrears with the payment of the purchase price and the purchase price will not be paid even in the additional period provided to the Buyer by the Seller (e.g. via email notification).
3.6. The Seller is entitled to withdraw from a purchase contract, if the Buyer has ordered goods for a purchase price that was published in error, due to an error in the information system of the Seller. This is particularly the case when the price is obviously incorrect at first glance (e.g. the purchase price does not take into account the actual price of the product or the purchase price is missing a digit or the decimal point is incorrectly placed).
IV. Payment method
4.1. The Buyer may pay for the goods in the Seller’s online store in the following ways:
a) cash on delivery,
b) payment by bank card through a payment gateway,
c) the online payment system used by the Seller,
d) by bank deposit or bank transfer to the Seller’s account, indicating the order number as a variable payment symbol.
4.2. The currently available payment methods are displayed together with their price in the electronic shopping cart and are listed in the section IMPORTANT INFORMATION.
V. Delivery of Products
5.1. The Seller is obligated to fill the order and deliver the goods to the Buyer within 60 days from the date of conclusion of the purchase contract.
5.2. The Seller is obligated to deliver the products to the Buyer in the ordered quantity and quality and together with a delivery note, which fulfils the function of a written order. A tax document with the purchase price and VAT will be sent to the Buyer's contact email. The Buyer agrees with the sending of the tax document electronically.
5.3. The Seller may deliver individual goods within one order in separate parts and at different times and shall inform the Buyer about this fact. The price for shipping is not changed by this and does not increase in any way.
5.4. The place of delivery of the ordered product is the address stated by the Buyer on the order or an address corresponding to the selected method of delivery.
5.5. Delivery of the order is completed upon taking over the last goods from the order by the Buyer.
VI. Receipt of goods
6.1. The risk of damage to the product and liability for any damage to the product passes to the Buyer upon its proper acceptance, regardless of whether the Buyer receives the product in person or through an entrusted/authorised third party.
6.2. Ownership passes from the Seller to the Buyer at the time of delivery and proper acceptance of the goods.
6.3. The Buyer has the right not to accept the delivered product from the carrier in the following cases:
a) delivery of an item that is in conflict with the concluded purchase contract (a different or damaged item),
b) delivery of an item in damaged packaging or,
c) delivery of an item without the relevant documents.
6.4. If an item is delivered to the Buyer according to letter a) point 2.1 of this Article, the Buyer has, among other things, the right to have the correct item delivered to him free of charge and without undue delay in accordance with the agreed conditions in the purchase contract, either by exchanging the item or repairing it. If such a procedure is not possible, the Buyer may request a discount on the purchase price or withdraw from the contract.
VII. Methods of transporting goods
7.1. The Buyer may choose the following modes of transport in the Seller’s online store:
a) a third-party service – delivery to a collection point; or
b) a courier service provided by third parties – delivery to a selected address.
7.2. The currently available modes of transport are displayed together with their price in the electronic shopping cart and listed in the section IMPORTANT INFORMATION.
VIII. Withdrawal of the Buyer from the purchase contract without giving a reason
8.1. A Consumer is authorised to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason within 14 calendar days from the date of receiving the product. The Consumer may withdraw from the contract, the subject of which is the delivery of goods, even before the expiry of the period for withdrawal from the contract.
8.2. If a Consumer wants to exercise such right, the Consumer is obligated to notify the Seller of the withdrawal from the contract no later than on the last day of the specified period or to deliver such withdrawal for postal transport no later than on the last day of the period to the Seller’s address according to these GTC. The consumer is obligated to return the product or hand it over to the Seller or a person authorised by the Seller to receive the product no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the contract.
8.3. Withdrawal from the contract can also be sent to the Seller in paper form or in the form of a record on another durable medium (e.g. e-mail). Application for withdrawal from the contract can also be made by means of the Form for Withdrawal from the Contract, which is available in the Seller’s online store. A Consumer is also entitled to withdraw from the contract orally, in particular by a clearly formulated statement of the Consumer expressing his/her willingness to withdraw from the contract. We recommend that the Consumer state the order number, date of purchase, type of product he/she is withdrawing from, his/her name and surname address. The Seller shall return to the Buyer all payments pursuant to this Article of the GTC in the same manner as the Buyer used to pay the purchase price. Such a withdrawal does not affect the Consumer’s right to agree with the Seller on another method of payment, if no additional fees are charged to the Consumer in connection with this.
8.4. By withdrawing from the contract, the contracting parties are obligated to return the services provided to one another. The Consumer is liable only for any reduction in the value of the product resulting from such handling of the product that is beyond the scope of the product and functionality of the product. The Consumer is not responsible for the reduction in the value of the product if he/she was not informed by the Seller about the possibility of withdrawing from the contract, the conditions, period and procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal. If the value of the product was reduced as a consequence of handling the product in such a way that is beyond the treatment needed to determine the properties and functionality of the product (e.g. the product will be damaged), the Consumer is liable to the Seller for such damage. The use of the product to a greater extent than is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the product in particular will be considered as handling the product beyond the determination of the product’s properties and functionality. Justified expenditures for returning the product to its previous condition in particular will likewise be considered as a reduction in the value of the product.
8.5. You can use the form for withdrawing from a contract. The mentioned form is freely accessible for viewing and downloading in the Seller’s online store.
8.6. If the Consumer withdraws from the contract in accordance with Act No. 102/2014 Coll., he/she shall bear the costs of returning the product to the Seller pursuant to § 10 para. 3 of Act No. 102/2014 Coll., and if he/she withdraws from the contract concluded at a distance, the cost of returning the product, which due to its nature cannot be returned by postal mail. This shall not apply if the Seller has agreed to bear such costs itself.
8.7. The Seller shall return to the Consumer the payment made for the product, as well as all payments received from the Consumer under or in connection with the purchase contract, including transport, delivery and postage costs, as well as other costs and fees, within 14 days from the day of delivery of the product or proof that the product has been sent to the Seller. This shall not apply to the cost of returning the goods, which is borne by the Consumer him/herself under the conditions set out in point 8.6. of this Article.
8.8. The Seller is not obligated to reimburse the Consumer for additional costs, if the Consumer has expressly chosen a method of delivery other than the cheapest standard method of delivery offered by the Seller. Additional costs between the delivery costs chosen by the Consumer and the costs of the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Seller shall be considered as additional costs.
8.9. In the case of withdrawal from the contract, we will not accept shipments sent as cash on delivery. We recommend that Buyers send shipments by registered mail.
IX. Alternative dispute resolution
9.1. If the Consumer is not satisfied with the method by which the Seller has handled his/her claim or believes that the Seller has violated his/her rights, the Consumer has the right to contact the Seller for redress. If the Seller rejects the Consumer’s request according to the previous sentence or does not respond to such a request within 30 days from the date of it being sent by the Consumer, the Consumer has the right to file a motion to initiate an alternative dispute resolution under §12 of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes and on amendments to certain acts. The relevant entity for alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes with a seller is the Slovak Trade Inspection or another relevant authorized legal entity entered in the list of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) entities maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list is available at, or directly HERE; the consumer has the right to choose which of the above ADR entities to turn to). To submit an ADR proposal for their consumer dispute a consumer may use the online dispute resolution platform, which is available at http: //, or directly HERE. All additional information regarding the alternative resolution of disputes between the Seller and the Buyer-Consumer arising from the purchase contract as a consumer contract or associated with the purchase contract as a consumer contract is available on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic: www, and in Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes and on amendments to certain acts.
X. Final provisions
10.1. In addition to the general provisions of Act No. 40/ 1964 Coll. Civil Code, as amended, special regulations, in particular Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services on the Basis of a Contract Concluded at a Distance or a Contract Concluded Outside the Premises of the Seller, and Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection, are also related to the contractual relations (as well as other legal relations that may arise from a contract) with natural persons who upon concluding a purchasing contract according to these GTC are not acting in the scope of his/her business activities (consumers).
10.2. The provisions of Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code are related to contractual relations (as well as other legal relations that may result from the contractual relationship) with legal entities and natural persons – entrepreneurs.
10.3. These General Terms and Conditions form an inseparable part of the Warranty Policy and the General Data Protection Regulation of this online store. The documents – the Warranty Policy and the General Data Protection Regulation of this online store are published on the domain of the Seller’s online store.
10.4. These General Terms and Conditions acquire validity and force upon their publication in the online store of the Seller on 1 July 2021.