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O șapcă simplă, multifuncțională, care asigură un confort termic excelent și protejează împotriva vremii reci. Material - are un finisaj anti-pilling + elimina transpiratia. Aspect amestecat. Potrivit pentru alergare, schi sau timp liber.
Lightweight, great, comfortable cap for the outdoors.
Ľahká, skvelá, príjemná čiapka do prírody.
The cap is nice and warming, the only thing I expected was that it would be greener, like in the photos
Cepice je prijemna a hreje, jedine co jsem cekal, ze bude zelenejsi, jako na fotkach
An excellent cap which fulfils its purpose, exactly as described by the manufacturer. It accompanies us on every ski tour
Vynikajúca čiapka ktorá spĺňa svoj účel, presne podľa popisu výrobcu. Sprevádza nás na každej skialpovej túre
Great cap, thin, breathable but warm at the same time. Ideal for low-impact sports activities.
Skvelá čiapka, tenká, priedušná ale zároveň teplá. Ideálna na nenáročné športové aktivity.
Pleasant comfortable
Příjemná pohodlná
O șapcă simplă, multifuncțională, care asigură un confort termic excelent și protejează împotriva vremii reci. Material - are un finisaj anti-pilling + elimina transpiratia. Aspect amestecat. Potrivit pentru alergare, schi sau timp liber.
Lightweight, great, comfortable cap for the outdoors.
The cap is nice and warming, the only thing I expected was that it would be greener, like in the photos
An excellent cap which fulfils its purpose, exactly as described by the manufacturer. It accompanies us on every ski tour
Great cap, thin, breathable but warm at the same time. Ideal for low-impact sports activities.
Pleasant comfortable