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The durable two-piece PERFORMANCE poles are designed for winter skiing and ski touring. The design provides the necessary flexibility for trekking as well as skiing. The robust aluminum legs with a diameter of 14 to 16 mm offer a maximum length of 145 cm. They feature quick locking using plastic quick-release fasteners. The shaped foam grip simplifies handling, and with the adjustable strap, it helps prevent slipping. The extended grip facilitates walking on traverses. The poles come with two sizes of screw-on baskets, with diameters of 50 and 85 mm. Pair weight: 540 g. Minimum transport length: 84 cm.
15-145cm, straps - thin tape with printed logo, plastic quick-release block
Probably acceptable for light use but one pole bent on first use, so ideal for light occasional use but stick to carbon for better overall performance.
I am very satisfied with the quality. Delivery is fast!
Много съм доволен от качеството. Доставката е бърза!
The sticks more or less correspond to the price. Durability will be possible to judge only with time but first observations. The handle is made of foam but extremely hard, whi... read morech is not a reproach but I would still appreciate a softer grip. The wraps around the wrist are probably a PES strip of cloth, nothing stretchy or pleasant to the touch, really just to keep the sticks handy. My biggest complaints are the locking screws that loosen the second, movable piece. Even when they are tightened to the max (with the sticks folded) there is partial play, about 5 cm. Also, those plastic locking screws are very small and hard to operate. Overall the sticks probably fulfill their purpose but it's no terror in terms of design. The quality probably matches the price and can't compare to Leki al. Blackdiamond in the price of 100€ and more. I wanted another stick min 140 cm to my snowshoes so we will see how much they last.
Palice viac menej odpovedajú cene. Odolnosť bude možné posúdiť až časom ale prvé postrehy. Rukoveť je z peny ale mimoriadne tvrdej, čo nie je výčitka ale predsa l... read moreen by som ocenil o čo si jemnejší grip. Omotávky okolo zápästia sú asi PES prúžok látky, nič pružné a príjemné na dotyk, skutočne len na to aby palice boli po ruke. Najväčšie výhrady mám k aretovacím skrutkám, ktoré povolujú druhý, pohyblivý diel. Aj pri ich max. dotiahnutí (pri zložených paliciach) je tam čiastočný voľný pohyb, cca 5 cm. Taktiež tie plastové skrutky na povolenie sú veľmi malé a zle sa ovládajú. Celkovo palice asi splnia svoj účel ale nie je to žiadne terno čo sa týka prevedenia. Kvalita asi odpovedá cene a nemôžu sa porovnávať s Leki al. Blackdiamond v cene 100€ a viac. Chcel som ďalšie palice min 140 cm k snežniciam tak uvidíme koľko vydržia.
Perfect sticks, definitely recommend
Perfektné palice, úrčite odporúčam
I am satisfied.
Som spokojny.
The durable two-piece PERFORMANCE poles are designed for winter skiing and ski touring. The design provides the necessary flexibility for trekking as well as skiing. The robust aluminum legs with a diameter of 14 to 16 mm offer a maximum length of 145 cm. They feature quick locking using plastic quick-release fasteners. The shaped foam grip simplifies handling, and with the adjustable strap, it helps prevent slipping. The extended grip facilitates walking on traverses. The poles come with two sizes of screw-on baskets, with diameters of 50 and 85 mm. Pair weight: 540 g. Minimum transport length: 84 cm.
15-145cm, straps - thin tape with printed logo, plastic quick-release block
Probably acceptable for light use but one pole bent on first use, so ideal for light occasional use but stick to carbon for better overall performance.
I am very satisfied with the quality. Delivery is fast!
The sticks more or less correspond to the price. Durability will be possible to judge only with time but first observations. The handle is made of foam but extremely hard, which is not a reproach but I would still appreciate a softer grip. The wraps around the wrist are probably a PES strip of cloth, nothing stretchy or pleasant to the touch, really just to keep the sticks handy. My biggest complaints are the locking screws that loosen the second, movable piece. Even when they are tightened to the max (with the sticks folded) there is partial play, about 5 cm. Also, those plastic locking screws are very small and hard to operate. Overall the sticks probably fulfill their purpose but it's no terror in terms of design. The quality probably matches the price and can't compare to Leki al. Blackdiamond in the price of 100€ and more. I wanted another stick min 140 cm to my snowshoes so we will see how much they last.
Perfect sticks, definitely recommend
I am satisfied.