
RECCO®: You may never use this gadget. But it might save your life

We add subtle technology to some of our products that we always hope won't be needed. But nature is unpredictable. When buried in an avalanche, a RECCO® reflector can increase your chance of survival.

RECCO®: You may never use this gadget. But it might save your life
RECCO®: You may never use this gadget. But it might save your life

How can a tiny reflector help rescuers?

The RECCO® search system has two parts. A passive reflector that you always carry as part of your clothing or equipment reflects signals to transmitters that rescuers use to search for climbers or skiers buried in an avalanche.

The transmitter has a range of up to 20 meters when covered in snow, but the more reflectors you wear, the easier it is for rescuers to find you when necessary. The advantage of the RECCO® reflector is its global application - this most widespread rescue system is used by more than 900 ski resorts and rescue organizations in 32 countries.

RECCO Northfinder

How do I check if my clothing has a functional RECCO® system?

You may not notice the reflector on your clothes at first glance. Although it weighs less than 4 grams, it lasts a lifetime. The reflector does not need to be replaced, recharged or maintained in any way, it functions as a passive part of the RECCO® rescue system. 

In particular, make sure you have one on you if you are planning on skiing, off-piste skiing, or any activity in a challenging mountain environment with an increased risk of avalanches. Look for the RECCO® logo on clothing: for example, on trousers it is usually below the level of the ski boot, on a jacket look on the sleeve or on the back under the hood.

RECCO Northfinder

Northfinder products with RECCO® reflector

What else can I do for better safety?

Keep an eye on the weather, level of avalanche danger, and don't rely on just one rescue system. The RECCO® reflector is a passive form of protection that will show your location to professional rescuers when needed. When buried by an avalanche, however, the first 10 minutes are crucial - an active avalanche transmitter can increase the chance of survival. Tune it to the same frequency as your ski buddies. When buried, they can often be the first to your location before rescuers arrive.

Vyhľadávací systém RECCO® je najrozšírenejším záchranárskym systémom na svete. Urýchľuje vyhľadávanie ohrozených, stratených či zranených osôb v členitom teréne. Systém je postavený na pasívnom reflektore, ktorý môže byť súčasťou oblečenia alebo vybavenia a aktívneho detektora na strane profesionálnych záchranárskych zložiek. Prostredníctvom odozvy je možné určiť polohu turistu či cyklistu v horách, lyžiara pri záchrane z lavíny alebo určiť polohu kanoistov na divokej vode. Vysielače sa stále zdokonaľujú a v súčasnosti väčšina európskych lyžiarskych stredísk disponuje nielen ručnými vysielačmi, ale systémom detekovania prostredníctvom vysielača na vrtuľníku. Účinný dosah vysielača pri zasypaní snehom je až 20 m. V prípade lyžovania mimo zjazdoviek či ski-touringu v náročnom horskom prostredí so zvýšeným rizikom lavín sledujte počasie, stupeň lavínového nebezpečenstva a používajte overený lavínový vyhľadávač a doplňujúce vybavenie.

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